Here are some photos taken on a really lovely holiday with Mavis 🙂
view from our room
Mavis doing her Abbey Road impression in Pompeii
me with my good buddy, the God Apollo
the big theatre in Pompeii
the amphitheater
the Necropoli
Pompeii street scene
the Villa de Misteries
our favourite ruin – the cafe 😉
an evening view of Vesuvius
Pizza in Sorrento after a hard day in Pompeii – cheers!
Herculaneum with the cause of all the trouble behind
streets in Herculaneum
Mavis in Ravello
a friendly gecko
Mavis is far braver
me looking nervous in Ravello – I don’t like heights
wild Crocus
wild Crocus in the beech woods
me at the top of Refugio San Michele
view across the fly area to our hire car
our little hire car – it survived!!
me swishing my net at some flies!
giant grasshoppers
Peleteria meridionalis
view of Naples suburbs from Monte Faito
beech woodlands above Monte Faito
our ferry to Capri
Villa San Michele
Mavis enjoying the view at Villa San Michele, Anacapri
amazing tiled floor in the Church of San Michele Arcangelo
Mavis on the winding steps
beautiful steps in Anacapri
Capri at night
me and a Roman demi-God in Naples archeological museum
just some of the bits they stole from Pompeii
Mavis at the art gallery of Capodemonte
Breugel’s The Blind Leading the Blind
Breugel’s The Misanthrope