I have finally finished identifying and databasing the majority of Villu’s Estonian tachinids! 🙂 There were just short of 200 European tachinids and lots of…
I have just spent a really fun day with 2 friends of mine, Becca & John, driving up to the Natural History Museum (NHM) in…
I like to split the processing of Malaise trap samples into several distinct phases. The first phase is to empty the tubes of insects suspended…
Newsflash – the third batch of flies from Jean Cerda in French Guiana has arrived. Looks like a really big sample too so I am…
The funding hasn’t come through yet but I always planned to make a contribution myself so last Friday I bought the first 20 drawers from…
Earlier this year The Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) network announced that they had made grants available to UK natural history societies and recording schemes. OPAL…
It might sound like a strange question to ask an entomologist but a recent debate on bug_girl’s blog got me thinking. Obviously, I have no…
Ta Da!! I have finally arranged my palearctic specimens into their correct drawers – alphabetically by genus. It started off in 8 drawers but allowing…
Just received an update from Dr Owen Lewis, the manager of the Sturmia bella project, a project set up to investigate the role of Sturmia…
I decided not to avoid it any more and started organizing my Palearctic collection into glass-topped drawers and unit trays. This means bringing together my…
Just packaged up some flies to go back to Jari in Finland – he lent me some of his Malaise trapped tachinids to identify, with…