This is a lovely little taxon, with matt-black ground colour and bright pale-grey bands of dusting on the thorax and abdomen. It fails to achieve…
This is an interesting pair of specimens, both with short ‘tails’ and an ovipositor. Apologies for the poor quality of the photos but the specimens…
This tiny little tachinid (2mm) has very unusual wings – very wide, like Phasia spp., with mottling around the SC vein, but it clearly isn’t…
This is a really unusual tachinid with its mottled wings, shiny black body and long, curved piercing organ. EDIT (05/11/2010): This was originally keyed tentatively…
I have just received the second, long awaited batch of flies from Jean Cerda in French Guiana. Six tubes of mixed familes, all collected between…
A large brown taxon with: plumose antennae; bare eyes; slightly protruding mouth edge; brown thorax and abdomen with ornge side patches; wing with rounded bend…
A small dark taxon with plumose arista and hairy eyes; facial ridges with varying numbers of bristles – females with much weaker bristles than males;…
(pictures to follow) This is another small black & grey-dusted species but with a few quite distictive features: hairy arista; bare eyes; strong facial-ridge bristles…
This is a nice little brightly-marked taxon with bright orange abdominal side patches, contrasting with a dark black body colour; shaded wings; small orange antenna…
This is an elegant, slim tachinid – at first appearing very average but on closer inspection quite distinctive.
This is a really unusual small tachinid with mottled wings and unusual venation. EDIT (Monty Wood 26/9/2010): This is a really unusual fly and not…