Acaulona & Xanthomelanopsis look very similar to Pennapoda spp. but without the leaf-like antero-dorsal bristles on the hind tibia. The only difficulty with these flies…
These quite large (>1cm) phasiines are obviously in the tribe Trichopodini but they only have small leaf-shaped hairs on the hind tibiae. Det: Monty Wood,…
One of the commonest phasiine genera – note the strong divergent lateral scutellars. Determination by Monty Wood.
Determination by Monty Wood.
Pennapoda & Xanthomelanodes are very commonly caught genera – being part of a group of very similar phasiine genera with shaded a costa and often…
Determinations by Monty Wood.
This little phasiine is undoubtably a member of the Trichopodini, from the leaf-like bracts along the hind tibiae. This is very similar to some of…
Another really nice phasiine – quite large (8-10mm) – with very beautiful contrasting body & wing coloration. EDIT (04/10/2010): This keys to Xanthomelanodes but I…
An interesting little (3-5mm) phasiine taxon – quite prolific in the peruvian samples. EDIT (Monty Wood, 26/9/2010): This is a group of Acaulona sp.
One of my favourite flies from my recent NHM visits is the amazingly marked Bibiomima handlirschi, a rare phasiine tachinid from Central & South America.…
This is a real Phasia lookalike with it’s body shape and wing venation, but I have run it through the keys in Sun & Marshall…
This “taxon” is actually probably 5 taxa but they share very similar superficial morphology – they are almost certainly phasiines and they have the typical…
This is a typical French Guianan phasiine tachinid – chocolate brown body with some orange markings with a bold brown wing costa. This species has…