This is a lovely little taxon, with matt-black ground colour and bright pale-grey bands of dusting on the thorax and abdomen. It fails to achieve…
This keys to Hyphantrophaga sp. but it needs confirming. EDIT (6/01/2011): Monty has said that this genus is quite anonymous and difficult to split ……
These photos illustrate 3 species of Mystacella – a tachinid that, like Chrysoexorista, is a beautiful metallic green (sometimes across the whole body, but at…
While examining what I thought was a Peruvian Mesembrinella (Calliphoridae, Mesembrinellinae) I realized that I was in fact looking at a tachinid – with a normal…
This is a Neobrachelia sp. – the colours have come out a little bit too green in the photos – the dusting is really yellowish-grey.…
This is a specimen of Pseudochaeta – a Carcelia-type tachinid but with a row of strong facial-ridge bristles.
This is quite a distinctive and very common taxon in the peruvian samples. The fly has a clear dusting pattern and the tip of the abdomen is…
This little phasiine is undoubtably a member of the Trichopodini, from the leaf-like bracts along the hind tibiae. This is very similar to some of…
This is a very unusual (dexiine?) tachinid with plumose aristae, deep gena, tiny calyptrae & a straight median vein. See also pe-taxon #10 – a…
This is a small, black tachinid with plumose antennae, suggesting Dexiinae. These are photos of both the male and the female. EDIT (04/10/2010): This keys…
This tiny little tachinid (2mm) has very unusual wings – very wide, like Phasia spp., with mottling around the SC vein, but it clearly isn’t…
This is a very small (3-4mm) tachinid with nothing particularly exceptional about it but it does have a very distinctive, long second arista segment, rather…
This is the only Cryptocladocera in the peruvian sample and it looks very like the ones from French Guiana – fg-taxon #04.
This is another tachinine tachinid with a slightly variable abdomenal patternation but there and many fundamental similarities between the 2 featured specimens – taking into…
Another medium-sized tachinine tachinid – this time with a white-dusted head. The body is shiny, jet black, there are Peleteria-bristles and the tip of the…
This is a lovely, tiny little tachinine tachinid – shiny, jet black all over with a yellow head and red eyes. Unusually for this subfamily…
This is an amazing dexiine with a very Estheria-type face – small antennae, plumose arista, very deep gena, very chin-less profile and a very stretched-out…
This is a close relative of fg-taxon #98 with its rounded abdomen, large eyes and downward-pointing ovipositor. EDIT (09/10/2010): This is undoubtedly a female Calodexia sp.
This taxon is clearly related to the other taxa with very prominent Sturmia-spots – especially fg-taxon #14 EDIT (04/10/2010): This taxon comprised 4 Winthemia sp.…
This is an interesting taxon with a very distinctive, dark patch of bristles on the underside of tergites 4 & 5 – rather like a…