The Surinamese batch of flies from Menno yielded quite a lot of male Cryptocladocera – here are just 2.
Here is Dave’s latest version of the Pelecotheca (Cryptocladocera) male – looking even better. To see Dave’s other photos click here.
Recently a local photographer called Dave Dare got in touch with me to ask if I could lend him some specimens so that he could…
This genus is related to the multi-fissicorn genera, like Cryptocladocera & Cerotachina (all members of the Neominthoini but most do not have multi-fissicorn antennae) . This…
This is the only Cryptocladocera in the peruvian sample and it looks very like the ones from French Guiana – fg-taxon #04.
This is a little post just to show the range of antennal branching in different multifissicorn tachinids – apologies for the poor quality of the…
After keying this taxon through MCAD it looks like one of the Neominthoini (it emerges on Neomintho, where most Neominthoini will end up) and the…
This appears to be another new, hitherto undescribed, species closely related to Cerotachina – it has no median discals and antenna-3 is very shallowly multifissicorn.…
This little gem is another multifissicorn species with feathered antennae – similar to the other ‘featherface’ tachinids, like Borgmeiermyia and Cryptocladocera. However, after running this…
This one is unusual because the abdomen is tipped with a strange, shiny, flattened structure that resembles a squashed tube. EDIT (Monty Wood 26/9/2010): This…
This is one of my favourite French Guianan tachinids! At first glance it looks fairly standard but when you examine the face you will see…