This is the only Cryptocladocera in the peruvian sample and it looks very like the ones from French Guiana – fg-taxon #04.
This is a little post just to show the range of antennal branching in different multifissicorn tachinids – apologies for the poor quality of the…
This appears to be another new, hitherto undescribed, species closely related to Cerotachina – it has no median discals and antenna-3 is very shallowly multifissicorn.…
This little gem is another multifissicorn species with feathered antennae – similar to the other ‘featherface’ tachinids, like Borgmeiermyia and Cryptocladocera. However, after running this…
This is a male of the second taxon to exhibit the highly modified antenna-3, shaped like a feather. All specimens of this taxon are between 4-5mm…
This is one of my favourite French Guianan tachinids! At first glance it looks fairly standard but when you examine the face you will see…