These photos illustrate 3 species of Mystacella – a tachinid that, like Chrysoexorista, is a beautiful metallic green (sometimes across the whole body, but at…
The Surinamese batch of flies from Menno yielded quite a lot of male Cryptocladocera – here are just 2.
Paul is a wildlife photographer and adventurer who contacted me a few months ago for tips on how to do serious entomology in the tropics…
Here is Dave’s latest version of the Pelecotheca (Cryptocladocera) male – looking even better. To see Dave’s other photos click here.
This specimen is proving to be a real problem – it keys to Atactosturmia because it has 3 rows of small hairs outside the vibrissa…
Needs confirmation but the lack of occellar bristles is fairly indicative.
Recently a local photographer called Dave Dare got in touch with me to ask if I could lend him some specimens so that he could…
This is a specimen of Pseudochaeta – a Carcelia-type tachinid but with a row of strong facial-ridge bristles.
These are 2 Siphosturmia spp. The first looks very like a Winthemia but on closer examination is has 4 katepisternal bristles, not 2. EDIT (05/10/2010):…
Pseudochaeta is another of the Carcelia-type tachinids, with large eyes, but it also lacks the tuft of hairs on the hind coxa, present on Carcelia.…
Here are a few more Carcelia-like tachinids but this time belonging to the genus Houghia, which lacks the tuft of hairs on the hind coxa:…
Here I just wanted to show you how Chrysoexorista spp. loose their colour almost over night. This first photos show how the Chrysoexorista looked a…
The genus Carcelia seems to be fairly ubiquitous around the world. The presence of the extremely deep eyes and very narrow strip of gena (the…
This is quite a distinctive and very common taxon in the peruvian samples. The fly has a clear dusting pattern and the tip of the abdomen is…
Apparently Winthemia are pretty much the same the world over – 2 katepisternals with hairy parafacials. Determination by Monty Wood.
This genus is related to the multi-fissicorn genera, like Cryptocladocera & Cerotachina (all members of the Neominthoini but most do not have multi-fissicorn antennae) . This…
This is a pair of Masiphya sp. – mantid parasitoids:
This is quite distinctive little species – similar to Leschenaultia but different. Determination by Monty Wood.
This is apparently a common species around the Caribbean. Determination by Monty Wood.
This genus is one of my favourites, but from the rather drab greasy-looking colouration you might be forgiven for wondering why? However, their gorgeous metallic…