Here are a few Pelecotheca (Cryptocladocera) sp. stacks. The technique involves taking about 30 photos, each at a different focal point in the specimen and…
The Surinamese batch of flies from Menno yielded quite a lot of male Cryptocladocera – here are just 2.
Here is Dave’s latest version of the Pelecotheca (Cryptocladocera) male – looking even better. To see Dave’s other photos click here.
Recently a local photographer called Dave Dare got in touch with me to ask if I could lend him some specimens so that he could…
This is the only Cryptocladocera in the peruvian sample and it looks very like the ones from French Guiana – fg-taxon #04.
This is a little post just to show the range of antennal branching in different multifissicorn tachinids – apologies for the poor quality of the…
This one is unusual because the abdomen is tipped with a strange, shiny, flattened structure that resembles a squashed tube. EDIT (Monty Wood 26/9/2010): This…
This is one of my favourite French Guianan tachinids! At first glance it looks fairly standard but when you examine the face you will see…