Yet another fly that keys to Atactosturmia … would be nice one day to know which of them really are Atactosturmia 😉
The Polideini is becoming one of my favourite tribes because they have such unusual features. Most tachinids have a disc-like, hairy lappet covering the metathoracic…
Acaulona & Xanthomelanopsis look very similar to Pennapoda spp. but without the leaf-like antero-dorsal bristles on the hind tibia. The only difficulty with these flies…
Last night I went through a tray of tachinids with a plumose arista and was amazed to see this fly with an incredibly long, straight…
Recently I have found quite a few small, black tachinids with a very plumose arista. Some are entirely black and others are a little dusted…
This specimen is proving to be a real problem – it keys to Atactosturmia because it has 3 rows of small hairs outside the vibrissa…
Needs confirmation but the lack of occellar bristles is fairly indicative.
Needs confirmation.
Needs confirmation.
This little Carcelia-like tachinid stood out from the rest of the Carcelia and Houghia spp. because the dusting was very different and the humeral callus…
This little phasiine is undoubtably a member of the Trichopodini, from the leaf-like bracts along the hind tibiae. This is very similar to some of…
This is an interesting taxon with a very distinctive, dark patch of bristles on the underside of tergites 4 & 5 – rather like a…
This is a fairly typical tachinid but has been extracted from the others by a similar trait for a flattened abdomen with very distinctive male…
This is an interesting and very prolific taxon that might, on the face of it, seem to be unexceptional. But it stands out from the…
This taxon seems very prolific and quite consistent in its morphology too, though I am not assuming that it represents a single species. This taxon…
This is another small Belvosia-type tachinid from Peru – compare this with my photos of a similar taxon from French Guiana. This is much more…