Something from Yves

This week has been a good one for deliveries – today I received a parcel from my friend Yves. This is part of a batch from Nouragues, French Guiana, collected by Stephane Brule a few years ago.
My first impressions are that the material has a lot of dead leaves and it seems to have come from a “window trap”, which is good for beetles but not for flies. Yves says that he got some good wasps out of it.

EDIT (2/3/2012): I have had a look at one of the bottles of material and it was very disappointing – just a mixture of leaves, broken beetles, broken cockroaches, a few ants and some calliphorids, like Mesembrinella. I would have tried to make something out of the mess by salvaging the Mesembrinella but on closer inspection I saw that most of them are missing all of their bristles and quite a few legs and antennae … so not worth the hassle. The samples are going to be topped-up with alcohol and then put into storage in the garage in case I find anyone that wants to have a look at them!! 😉
This is a close-up shot of a typical Nouragues sample – a 2cm thick soup of insect bits and leaves 😉
Liar. :p They are laxants specially from French Guiana 😀 Good try. 😉
Hi Chris,
Yes I understand you. I too some good wasps but very few specimens in good states…
I hope that future batch will be more Malaise traps for us 😉