Kunichika Series: “A comparison of actors with the 12 signs of the zodiac” (Haiyū mitate jūnishi), 1869
This is one of my favourite series – the production quality is very high, with lots of lovely bokashi and bold clashing colours with that lovely asa-no-ha pattern again.
Title: Haiyū mitate jūnishi [俳優見立十二支] (a comparison of actors with the 12 signs of the zodiac); Signed: Kunichika hitsu with toshidama ring; Carver: Hori Cho; Publisher: 土橋政田屋板 (政田屋 平吉 / 政田屋 兵吉) Dobashi Masadaya han; trade name Masadaya Heikichi (1869-1875) [Marks: seal 25-448; pub. ref. 302]; Date: 1869 Snake / 2