This is another taxon with plumose antenna and a deep gena. This specimen isn’t in great condition but there is another with better wings and…
This is a nice little brightly-marked taxon with bright orange abdominal side patches, contrasting with a dark black body colour; shaded wings; small orange antenna…
This distinctive little tachinid really is beautiful, though the photos probably don’t do it justice. The thorax is dark and shiny with a slight purplish-blue…
I don’t claim to be able to produce great macro photos of specimens but a few people have asked me how I do it. Here’s…
I feel very lucky and privilaged to live close to and have the support of Oxford University Museum (OUM). Friends at the museum have allowed…
A light brown tachinid with a slight similarity (in my eyes) to the sarcophagid subfamily Miltogramminae … and yes, it does have a strong subscutellum!…
This is an elegant, slim tachinid – at first appearing very average but on closer inspection quite distinctive.
This taxon is a fairly common, brown and quite boring-looking “species” but it seems quite distinctive, nonetheless. I have found it in good numbers and…
This is a really pretty little tachinid with shaded wings and well-dusted thorax. EDIT (Monty Wood 26/9/2010): This is a Myothyriopsis sp. – parasitoids of…
This is the other half of a pair of very similar taxa (see also fg-taxon #53). This one has a much longer antennal segment 3…
This is one of a pair of very similar taxa (the other is fg-taxon #52) – very small in size (3-5mm), with black body, orange…
This taxon has the dark wing area restricted to above r1 and a faint dark patch near the wing tip. EDIT (Monty Wood 26/9/2010): This…
This is a complex of basically orange-coloured tachinids with more or less darkened tips to the abdomen – either dark patches around the bristle sockets…
This is another Tachina look-alike but with a projecting mouth edge, like Linnaemya. EDIT (Monty Wood 26/9/2010): This group contains 3 spp. of Archytas and…
This taxon group contains specimens that have a strong resemblance to members of the Sturmiini. All specimens have recumbent hairs and bristles with a tuft…
This is a really unusual small tachinid with mottled wings and unusual venation. EDIT (Monty Wood 26/9/2010): This is a really unusual fly and not…
This taxon group contains at least 7 species ranging in size, with a light brown ground colour, broad bodies and darker coloured abdomens. They have…
This taxon is very similar to taxon #45 but larger in size. Note the very broad, shallow scutellum with distinctive row of scutellar bristles, combined…
The specimens in this taxon group are all metallic tachinids and almost certainly comprise at least 2 taxa. The first is relatively undusted and looks…